Calenders Diaries & Planners
Pictorial single/multi sheet, desktop, office calendars and pictorial diaries are our specialty. We bring your artwork to life with full color printing (CMYK) featuring exceptionally vivid images and crisp text. This combined with quality paper, inks and state-of-the-art multi color printing equipment ensures that we produce premium products.

Contact us for your Offest & Digital Printing needs
One of our friendly team members will be in touch with your a quote
+ 94 11 7627 277 - 80
+ 94 11 2531205, + 94 11 2532675
+ 94 11 2532676
235/10, Avissawella road, Orugodawatta, Wellampitiya, Sri Lanka
Find us on Google
+ 94 11 7627 277 - 80
+ 94 11 2531205, + 94 11 2532675
+ 94 11 2532676
235/10, Avissawella road, Orugodawatta, Wellampitiya, Sri Lanka
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