Acceptable formats and media
PDF files have now become the standard file format in the publishing industry. We therefore request that all data is supplied in this format. However not all PDFs are suitable for high resolution output and the following points must be remembered:-
- PDFs must be Acrobat 4 to 7 (version 1.3 to 1.6)
- They must not be created using Acrobat PDF Writer or other non-verifiled PDF creators.
- They must have all required fonts embedded. (TTF fonts convered in to Type 1 fonts is recomended for Licence fonts)
- They must contain high-resolution CMYK images where appropriate.
- They must be created using appropriate compression techniques.
- They must have all bleed requirements included.
- We require composite CMYK PDFs without any colour profiles for colour work.
- Crop marks must be included, offset by at least 6mm from the document trim area.(See Scanned images)
We can accept CD-ROM, DVD and DVD-RAM & Flash Memory.
Please ensure that all supplied files have clear and unique file names for easy identification. We always recommend trial pages are supplied prior to the first job being submitted.
If you would like more information please contact our sales team directly on or for clients in Australia